YouTube Money Calculator

Use our free YouTube money calculators to estimate the ad revenue from monetized YouTube videos. You can estimate the possible earnings by daily video views or by get estimated total earnings for any existing video or channel.

Your Estimated Earnings:


Estimated Earnings Over Time:

Daily: $0.00

Weekly: $0.00

Monthly: $0.00

Yearly: $0.00

YouTube Money Calculator - Free Tool to Calculate Earnings

Curious how much money your YouTube channel can make? Use our Free YouTube Money Calculator to estimate your earnings. Whether you're a new creator or a seasoned YouTuber, this tool helps you calculate your potential revenue based on total views, CPM, and RPM. Simply enter your details, click 'Calculate,' and get instant results!

How to Use the YouTube Money Calculator

Using the tool is quick and easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter Total Views - Input the total number of views for your video or channel.
  2. Enter CPM - Provide your CPM (Cost Per Mille) rate. If unsure, use the default value.
  3. Enter RPM - Provide your RPM (Revenue Per Mille) rate. If unsure, use the default value.
  4. Click 'Calculate' - Let the tool compute your potential earnings.
  5. Get Instant Results - View your estimated earnings in seconds.

Why Use the YouTube Money Calculator?

This tool is perfect for:

  • Estimating Earnings - Calculate how much you can earn from your YouTube channel or video.
  • Planning Content Strategy - Understand the revenue potential of your videos.
  • Saving Time - Get instant results without manual calculations.
  • Staying Informed - Learn how CPM and RPM impact your earnings.


Is the YouTube Money Calculator free?

Yes, it’s 100% free to use! No hidden fees or subscriptions required.

How do I use the tool?

Simply enter your total views, CPM, and RPM, click 'Calculate,' and get instant results.

What is CPM and RPM?

CPM (Cost Per Mille) is the earnings per 1,000 views, while RPM (Revenue Per Mille) is the revenue per 1,000 views after YouTube’s cut.

Can I use this tool for any YouTube channel?

Yes, the tool works for any YouTube channel, regardless of size or niche.

Is my data safe with this tool?

Absolutely! We do not store or share any user data.

Other YouTube Tools

Explore our other YouTube SEO tools to gain deeper insights into YouTube growth. Optimize your videos, choose the right niche, and improve rankings with powerful analytics and keyword research tools.